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Sua chua cuu du lieu cac dong o cung seagate loi firmware bang lenh seagate f3 terminal command - Repair, data at the fault line of Seagate hard drive firmware using the command - Seagate F3 Terminal Command | CứuDữLiệu.com

PC Hard Drive Technology

Repair, data at the fault line of Seagate hard drive firmware using the command - Seagate F3 Terminal Command

Sửa chữa, cứu dữ liệu các dòng ổ cứng Seagate lỗi Firmware bằng lệnh – Seagate F3 Terminal Command

chi an 2306

Here’s a consolidated version of all the Seagate terminal commands collected so far. It’s not intended to be an exhaustive list, but rather a collection of commands useful in data recovery. If you have more info to share please post it and I’ll add it to the list:

The Very Basics:

Ctrl + z (initiates the terminal connection and should prompt with level T>)
Ctrl + a (displays drive info, Package Version, Serial #, Model # (useful for missing label), Servo FW, etc.
Ctrl + l (displays drive info, # heads, serial, preamp type, family ID, etc.)
Ctrl + c (tells some drives to spin down, can be used immediately after CTL + z)
/X (used to change levels, replace X with level 2, 3, 4,… 7, T, etc.)
2>Z (puts drive to sleep)
2>U (spins drive up)
7>X (test read/write head resistance)
T>V40 (checks for non-resident G-list entries)
T>V4 (checks G-List entries)
T>V1 (returns slip defect list – confirm translator loading)
C>Q (returns list of all available commands, sometimes just says “No Help Available” on all of them)
1>N1 (clears S.M.A.R.T)
1>N5 (returns SMART values in terminal window)
T>i4,1,22 (clears G-List)
7>m100 (clears DOS config tables)

F Command: (thanks to hddoracle.com)
This is helpful for drives stuck in pending reallocate mode (E.G. InitiateMarkPendingReallocateRequest for disc_lba: )
All commands issues at level T>. Also HDD needs to be power cycled after issuing.

F (lists out all the parameters and bytes that can be modified within the F command)
F”RWRecoveryFlags”,00,22 (disables read sparing, write sparing, and enables correction)
F”RWRecoveryFlags”,01,22 (disables read sparing, write sparing and disables correction)
F”BGMSFlags”,00,22 (disables background media scan)
F”PerformanceFlags”,043C,22 (disables offline sparing and deferred auto reallocation)
F”ReadRetries”,00,22 (disables read retries – possibly better performance in software like ddrescue)
F,,22 (resets to default – sometimes necessary to get sector access back afterward)

M Command Quick Reference: (thanks to PCLab)
All commands issued at level T>
m0,2,1,,,,,22 ( To rebuilt slip list, V1 )
m0,2,2,,,,,22 ( To rebuilt G list, V2 )
m0,2,3,,,,,22 ( To rebuilt P list, V3 )

m0,5,1,10,3,,,22 ( To zero fill with slip list )
m0,5,2,10,3,,,22 ( To zero fill with G list )
m0,5,3,10,3,,,22 ( To zero fill with P list )

m0,8,1,10,3,,,22 ( To format with slip list )
m0,8,2,10,3,,,22 ( To format with G list )
m0,8,3,10,3,,,22 ( To format with P list )

m0,D,1,,,,,22 ( To repair bad sector by Slip list )
m0,D,2,,,,,22 ( To repair bad sector by G list )
m0,D,3,,,,,22 ( To repair bad sector by P list )

m0,20,1,,,,,22 ( To format (seacos XF) by Slip list )
m0,20,2,,,,,22 ( To format (seacos XF) by G list )
m0,20,3,,,,,22 ( To format (seacos XF) by P list, most powerfull to repair bad sectors, red and green blocks )

m0,2,2,,,,,22 ( Format user area partition without certifying defects and relocate defects. not effect Data in a drive )
m0,2,1,,,,,22 ( Format user area partition with user slip list with certify defects. DATA WILL BE LOSS )
m0,D,3,,,,,22 ( Format user area partition with repairing of bad sector, auto add bad sector into G list and in the last it will be shifted to P list )

m0,5,1,,,,,22 ( it used for erasing of all sector )
m0,8,2,,,,,22 ( it is used for formatting hard disk sectors )

M Command Full Explanation: (thanks to irs)

Seagate Terminal M Command.txt
(17.67 KiB) Downloaded 843 times

Terminal Errors Explained: (thanks to HDDGuy)

TCC-001A[0x000042F9][0x000042F9]ZZZZMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZMMMMMMMMMMM…. = This error relates to an inability to read Servo or Overlays. This message is also displayed at some Grenada models when PCB/ROM is not native.

Failed to load overlay 00000004 – this is usually associated with some hardware error and can be caused by non-native adaptives (i.e non-original ROM)

SIM error 1002 = this message alerts us to some error with one or more defect list. Potentially P-list or NRG list can be bad.

SIM error 2044 – Translator tables cannot be read or are damaged.

SIM error 1009 – Module 17A is damaged

SIM Error 203F / SIM Error 2040 / SIM Error 2044 / SIM Error 3005 – Also seem to be damaged or unreadable translator related errors

LED:00000047 FAddr:FFFFFFFE – Usually this relates to Media Cache

LED:000000BC FAddr:00006220 – Usually this also relates to Media Cache or some relocation parameters.

More Terminal Errors Explained: (thanks to jol and acelabs)

SIM ERROR 3005 (mean that “format corrupted flag” in on and Translator is not loaded in RAM)

“No HOST FIS-ReadyStatusFlags” (reason message: why translator is not loaded).

More Terminal Errors Collected From the Web By Your’s Truely

LED:000000BD FAddr:0000988E – Usually relates to Media Cache or other background processes in System File 93. Some have reported clearing SMART as having fixed the issue.

MCMTFileHandler: EXCEPTION: Failed MCMT read request – Relates to System file 346 being damaged, or possibly media cache

LED:000000CC FAddr:0024A7E5 – Bad Translator. Short read channel, clear smart, regenerate translator.

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