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Protect your ssd from injuries - Protect your SSD from injuries | CứuDữLiệu.com

Hard drive SSD

Protect your SSD from injuries
Operating systems recognize HDD SSD in a similar way, but they work differently. So, you should know what should and should not do.

Operating systems recognize HDD SSD in a similar way , but they work differently . So , you should know what should and should not do .

1 . Defrag Do ( defragment )

You should not defrag SSDs . The sector SSD storage on a limited number of data records - usually less than the number recorded on the HDD - that defragmentation will lead to record more data ( because it put the file on disk together ) .

Moreover, you will not see any speed improvement from defragmenting . On the HDD , defrag readers benefit because of the drive to move on to reading data from the disk . If a file of data spread across drives , readers will have to scroll a lot to read all the small pieces of the file , which takes more time than reading data from a single place in the drive . On the SSD has no mechanical movement , so it can be read in any data located on the memory sector with the same speed . SSD is designed to spread out the data on the memory rather than the region as a HDD .

2 . Was not permanently deleted

On the OS TRIM support - Windows 7 ( or newer ) , Mac OS X 10.6.8 ( or later ) , or Linux with kernel from 2.6.28 onwards , when deleting files it deleted permanent right ( not just marked as deleted , but if not overwritten , the data can still be recovered as HDD ) . When you delete files , the operating system notifies the SSD deleted files with TRIM command , and the sector it is deleted immediately. Data will " disappear " and can not be recovered .

Some first-generation SSDs do not support TRIM . However, TRIM was added soon after SSDs hit the market so 99 % likely that you are SSDs support TRIM .

3 . Do not use Windows XP , Vista , or disable TRIM

If the computer is using an SSD , you should install a modern operating system for it . Specifically , do not use Windows XP or Vista operating system because the former 2 are not supported TRIM command . When you delete a file on an SSD , the OS can not send TRIM commands to the drive , so data files will remain in the sector .

In addition to allowing recovery of personal data , this also slows things down. When the operating system tried to write a new file into the empty space , the sector must first be completely erased and then written to , so it will take time and slow write performance of the drive .

This is also why you should not disable TRIM on Windows 7 and other modern operating systems . It should be enabled by default .

4th . Do not run out of space

You should leave a blank space on your SSD , if not recorded performance will slow down considerably .

Website Anandtech recommend that you " should only use about 75 % of its capacity if you want to have a good balance between performance and capacity ." In other words , only use a maximum of 75 % of the drive free space and you will maintain ideal performance . You will see record performance starts to slow down when you go over that level .

5 . Continuous data do not include

To increase the life of the SSD , you should try to minimize the write data to the drive as much as possible . For example , you can do this by tweaking the settings in your program , so we write the temp files in other places , such as on the HDD ( if your computer HDD ) .

6 . Do not store large files , no regular access

SSDs typically have smaller capacity , more expensive per gigabyte than HDD . However, it has the advantages of low power consumption , low noise , and high speed .

Ideal for data stored on SSDs including the operating system files , programs, games , and files need to be accessed quickly and regularly . So, do not save multimedia collection ( movies , pictures , music ... ) on the SSD , by this time, the access speed is not necessary and they will not take up much storage space . You should store the multimedia collection on HDD or removable drives .

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