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How to save data on a usb drive infected with virus - How to save data on a USB drive infected with Virus | CứuDữLiệu.com

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How to save data on a USB drive infected with Virus
In some cases, you plug the USB drive into another computer, the user suddenly discovered your USB drive no longer has any data whatsoever.

How to save data on a USB drive infected with Virus

In some cases , you plug the USB drive into another computer , the user suddenly discovered your USB drive no longer has any data whatsoever. Check the capacity of the USB drive that has data . Do not worry , this is possible due to the virus causing the error and the data is still on USB .

The workaround is to use a computer you have to install antivirus software to check the USB drive . But the computer does not have antivirus software installed or have but do not kill viruses . The database is necessary but must avoid re- infecting virus on your computer .
How to save data on a USB drive

Plug the USB into the computer but to prevent system ( Windows ) USB automatically opened by pressing and holding the Shift key then plug the USB into your computer , wait for the computer to recognize the USB and then left Shift key . (See how to disable autorun disk )
Open My Computer , on the Tools menu and choose Folder Options.

Choose Folder Options

In Folder Options , select Table View and select Show hidden files and folders box to enable the display of hidden files . Uncheck the box Hide extensions for known file types to display the extension ( extension ) of the file . Uncheck the box Hide protected operating system files to enable the display of file system attributes .

Show hidden files and folders

Warning box appears , click Yes to agree . Then click Apply and then OK to exit Folder Options .

Click Yes to agree

Right mouse click on the USB drive icon and select Explore to open . ( Not duocmo by double click the USB drive icon ) .

Select Explore to open the drive

Now the files and folders in USB out , but by the still hidden attribute ( or systems ) should form their logo slightly faded , they show up clearly wanted back then must remove this attribute .
Carefully burn ( copy ) the data files on the computer ( only the necessary files , not directories or copy the program because they could have been infected by the virus ) . Note the virus may have created the file or folder name and icon like the data files you have to distinguish the data file by looking at the extension of the file ( the last part after the dot ) .

The folders and files in the drive

The common data files usually have the extension : doc , docx , xls , txt , ptp , bmp , IPG , png , ... But the virus infected files usually have the extension : exe , com , inf , dll , bat , js , hta , msi , pif , reg .. now leave this form files because they may have been infected by viruses , absolutely not click on them to delete .
After copying all the data into a computer , then proceed format ( Format ) USB drive . After formatting is complete , the USB drive will not be anything including a virus . (See how to format the USB drive )
Separate files can then process them by changing the attributes to return to normal or save ( Save) their contents into another file and then delete the old files .

Internet Resources
http://www.buaxua.vn | Watch more at : http://www.buaxua.vn/Tin-hoc-pho-thong/Cach-cuu-du-lieu-tren-o-dia-USB-bi- nhiem - Virus.html

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