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Hdd repair tools hd doctor for maxtor - HDD Repair Tools-HD DOCTOR for Maxtor | CứuDữLiệu.com

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HDD Repair Tools-HD DOCTOR for Maxtor
HDD Repair Tools-HD DOCTOR for Maxtor Giá: 15,000,000 VND HDD Repair Tools-HD DOCTOR for Maxtor

HD Doctor for Maxtor is one professionalhdd repair hardware tool originally manufactured by SalvationDATA to handle Maxtor hard drive firmware corruption, repair bad sectors, remove passwords, etc. It’s so far the most competitive Maxtor hdd repair tool supporting different Maxtor HDD families varying from DiamondMax, Fireball 531DX series, MAXTOR 531DX, 541DX, 541X, D540X-4k, etc to the new Seagate-Maxtor drives whose model numbers start with STN.

Please note here: After Maxtor was acquired by Seagate, there’re some Maxtor labeled drives using Seagate technology

which require you to use Seagate HD Doctor for HDD repair.

Image of our HD Doctor for Maxtor and its connection to patient IDE HDD for HDD diagnosis and repair:


Main features of HD Doctor for Maxtor

Load Management:
Load the resource information of the drive to the program, including the drive series, model number and other parameters of the drive.

The Operation Parameters
The operation parameter is a fixed panel and appears in each menu selection of the program. The footnotes indicate HDD information of the current drive attached.

FW Download
HD Doctor for Maxtor provides three separate methods to back up firmware: 1) by modules, 2) by group, and 3) by tracks.

FW Upload
Upload Firmware modules are divided into three sections: 1) Upload by Modules, 2) Upload by Group, and 3) Upload by Track. When defects are found in the FW modules, the modules need to be replaced by a FW donor file.
Please Note* The Download FW and Upload FW functions are a critical part of Data Recovery. Working with a defective hard drives it is essential that you save all FW modules into a backup file before starting repair procedures.

Redefine The Primary Head
Maxtor 6Y series has problems in SA to read the FW using the primary head.

SA Operations
SA Operation scans and repairs both physical and logical defects inside the SA.
Please Note* The SA of a Maxtor HDD is rather large and takes a considerable amount of time to perform a scan or low-level format. Prior to performing a scan; or low-level format check the read/write operations of the SA. This will determine if it is necessary to continue the operation. After scan if problems are found inside the SA it is necessary to repair these problems.

HDD Boot Management
The BOOT file inside the Maxtor HDD is composed of three modules, 56, 57, and 79.
The boot modules; put the drive into a READY state. If the HDD fails to become READY, power off the HD Doctor and set the HDD to safe mode.

Self scan
Self scan plays an import role in repairing the SA. It is designed to handle and repair bad sectors in the SA using the manufactures’ predefined repair. Self scan operation takes 6 to 8 hours to complete.
Please Note* When running Self scan it will erase all data on the HDD.

Defect List Operations
Defect list operations deals with the repair and operations of the P-List, G-List, and U-List. Allows; for replacement of bad sectors and tracts; by assigning them to the P-List. We can use this operation to perform all necessary functions inside the SA.

Section Operations
Hard drives with bad sectors can work with the maximum capacity by using the “Section Depop”. Allows for disabling a section of bad sectors from reading during data retrieval.
HD Doctor for Maxtor divides the data area into 16 sections, 00 to 0F. Each section contains; 1) Start sector, 2) End sector, 3) Head, 4) Start LBA, and 5) End LBA.
Please Note* Single head HDD is not supported only multiple head HDD.

ROM Operations
ROM Operations allows for uploading and downloading the ROM on the PCB.
Please Note* The HDD has to be in safe mode in order to read HDD ROM. If the PCB has received damage to the ROM chip the motor of the HDD will not spin.

View Sector
Manually views the sectors of data on the HDD.

If you are interested in this hdd repair tool, please email directly to info[at]salvationdata.com. You can also learn more on our other data recovery tools.


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