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Many used phone in one sim - MANY USED PHONE IN ONE SIM | CứuDữLiệu.com

Mobile - Phone

This approach is a form of cloning subscribers , so the best you have to do , because if Ki and IMSI codes reveal the others can give them your phone number . Its ease of use so you need to keep the SIM in the phone repair service


This approach is a form of cloning subscribers , so the best you have to do , because if Ki and IMSI codes reveal the others can give them your phone number . Its ease of use so you need to keep the SIM in the phone repair service

Read the information on the old SIM
You need two important parameters Ki and IMSI ( International Mobile Subscriber Identity ) . The reading is easy because IMSI number stored on the SIM . Particularly , the parameters Ki Ki is slightly longer than 1 random string is encoded in algorithms A3/A8 ) . After you remove the SIM card reader sim will have 2 perform a scan mode detection in SIM Ki chain .
If the mode frequencies 3578 , the detection time sequence Ki takes 4-8 hours. If selected , the frequency 6Mhz takes about 2-4 hours. 2 Once you have done your information on to the next step .

Note: Type new SIM Mobiphone network will self-destruct if you do find Ki process .

Assign numbers to the SIM White
Go along with the SIM card reader is type only scored 8 or 12 digits . Currently the market has some kind of record is 16 , which cost 400,000 . The White SIM can store 250 contacts and 99 messages.

The assigned number is simple , just white SIM in your phone it will appear as a menu named SIM manufacturers . Then select the configuration to add subscribers . You will be asked to enter the IMSI and Ki codes , then the computer will automatically assign a PIN number for subscribers . Now that you 've finished assigning a subscriber . Similarly, you can assign to the number of subscribers you have.

DIY with SIM chip and EEPROM 24C256 16Fxxx
If a little knowledge about technique , you can also create your own blank SIM by assembling the components . The overall price to create a blank SIM only about 50,000 . The drawback of this way is that you can not insert the SIM card into the machine -made but can be installed on your phone by connecting wires to drive the SIM .

Type of homemade SIM also has the ability to assign 16 numbers and 250 numbers in the phonebook and messages in EEPROM 99 . This capacity varies depending on the software version of the chip 16Fxxx .

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