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Phuc hoi du lieu raid 1 linux - Linux recover raid 1 (How to mount software RAID1 using mdadm member) | CứuDữLiệu.com

Hard Drive Server Technology

Linux recover raid 1 (How to mount software RAID1 using mdadm member)
In case your server fail, which you want to retrieve data from RAID1 hard drives, you can set this to 1 and any Linux Server
Phục hồi lại raid 1 Linux (How to mount software RAID1 member using mdadm)

Trong trường hợp server của bạn bị lỗi, mà bạn muốn lấy lại dữ liệu từ raid1 bạn có thể lấp ổ cứng này vào 1 Server Linux bất kỳ và

List các partition của ổ cứng

					fdisk -l /dev/sdd
Disk /dev/sdd: 250.1 GB, 250058268160 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488395055 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x90909090 
Device    Boot  Start   End   Blocks    Id   System
/dev/sdd1   *        2048     2099199     1048576   fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdd2         2099200     6293503     2097152   82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdd3         6293504    69208063    31457280   fd  Linux raid autodetect
/dev/sdd4        69208064   488394751   209593344   fd  Linux raid autodetect

Khi bạn gõ lệnh muont bị lỗi sau

					$ sudo mkdir /mnt/old_hdd 
$ sudo mount /dev/sdd4 /mnt/old_hdd 
mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'
Tạo lại raid

					$ sudo mdadm -A -R /dev/md9 /dev/sdd4
mdadm: /dev/md9 has been started with 1 drive (out of 2).
Mount lại

					$ sudo mount /dev/md9 /mnt/old_hdd/
$ mount | grep ^/dev/md9
/dev/md9 on /mnt/old_hdd type ext4 (rw)
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