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Ssd and hddso choose what type of hard drive - SSD and HDD, so choose what type of hard drive? | CứuDữLiệu.com

Hard drive SSD

SSD and HDD, so choose what type of hard drive?
Previously people used personal computers (Desktop and Laptop) almost only a single choice in selecting the hard drive, which is the HDD (Hark Disk Drive).

SSD and HDD , so choose what type of hard drive ?

Previously people used personal computers ( Desktop and Laptop ) almost only a single choice in selecting the hard drive , which is the HDD ( Hark Disk Drive ) . The reason is that the current world is only 2 technology is used to store data or materials from the memory chip . During that uses magnetic technology cheaper and much more common - products applied this technology is the HDD .

In recent years , hard drives use flash memory technology has made great strides in reducing costs and improving product quality . Currently some money to get a SSD ( Solid State Drive ) has lowered quite close to the HDD rather than an isolated area of ​​the sky as it used to be . There are many laptop manufacturers have used the desktop as well as solid-state drives in their products , there are also many types of companies launching SSD market has made ​​consumers more choice besides traditional HDD .

Distinct technologies :

Traditional HDD using a magnetic disk for data storage , the disk center is a rotary engine . To be able to read and write data on the disk , the manufacturers started to use a piece . And all is a control circuit in the outside , we have started the task control record read pieces into place on the disk when it is rotating at high speed (typically 5400 or 7200 r / min ) and decoding the signals into magnetic data that computers can understand .

SSDs have completely different structures , the drive is a mounted motherboard memory chips (usually Flash chip ) capable of storing long-term data abstraction without losing the power off . Because memory chips will die after a certain number of records read so SSD controller serves to decode the data also will be used to control chip will be used in each data transfer .

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two types of hard drives :

- Speed ​​: SSD read speed record data outperformed the HDD by way of memory chips work better than magnetic disks . While booting up the memory chip can work right from the disc still needs time to achieve proper motor rotation speed . You can verify this easily in fact , computer use SSD takes a few seconds to get ready , while HDD spends minutes . Score measuring the copy of the data is much higher than SSD with HDD .

- Fragmentation : Due to the structure of the disk , reader and recorder HDD spindle motor should only really work effectively with large files stored adjacent , if the data are scattered on the disk blade , will spend a lot of time to read them all and merge them . While SSD is not interested in this issue , data can be loaded simultaneously in many different memory chips . Obviously solid state drive would predominate over .

- Reliability : The rotary engine parts and HDD data reader easily affected by external forces such as vibration outside , causing them to fall ... leading to skewed completely inactive , although data can still be saved but then lost the drive performance . SSD has no moving parts and, therefore the data drive as well as fully capable of surviving physical impact from the outside (of course is not too strong ) .

- Noise : Obviously HDD will make a noise when working by turning the engine and move the reader . Meanwhile SSD absolute silence in all cases , simply because the electric signal activities not make a noise .

- Product Limit : The flash memory chips used in SSD will die after a certain number of records read , even from the HDD disk reads record number is almost infinite , it would also be bad when read record too many times in a short time , but in general , the HDD may have a higher life expectancy SSD in regular use conditions .

- Price : Compared with the same capacity HDD , a SSD is often more expensive to 6-7 times . Some might say that this is the reason why the HDD is still room in the market of computer components .

Choosing what type of hard drive ?

From an overview of the pros and cons of solid state drive and a traditional hard drive , we offer advice on selecting hard drives for each subject you to read :

The use of HDD :

- People like to download and store more data such as movies music entertainment . The cost to buy the high-capacity SSDs really are great , but the benefits it brings to much unnecessary .

- The field of graphic work . Photographer and Video editer often store a data giant pictures and movies , as well as the object above, the cost of the large storage space with SSD is too high .

- Mainstream users . If you do not have to use the machine while moving , without reading speed record is clear crisis left a lot of money to buy SSD to bench spot for fun is a ridiculous job .

The use of SSD :

- A man must move while working . Obviously ensuring the security of data in a state of vibration is of first importance . If your hard drive suddenly gone , your work will be in big trouble .

- The need for speed high data processing , graphics or do field engineers . You can see above I have to say the graphics sector should make use HDD , but the fact that this group should use both SSD and HDD , SSD HDD for storage and used as the main drive containing the executable file . Thus both storage space and ensure the process is working speed .

- People love the sound . Those who love music , you should use SSD , simply because it does not emit any noise during operation .

In the present time , but that SSD prices have dropped so much but the fact that not everyone can afford. So many hard drive manufacturers have devised methods combine 2 drives : both disk and memory chips from . Less frequently used data will be stored in the magnetic disk and executable files are placed in memory chips . This approach reduces the cost of products has brought the advantages of SSDs to the mass market . Hopefully in the near future a hybrid hard drive will be sold on the common market .

By: Genk

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