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Optimization tricks your hard drive to improve computer speed - Optimization tricks your hard drive to improve computer speed | CứuDữLiệu.com

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Optimization tricks your hard drive to improve computer speed

Hard drive is a crucial part of your PC, not only contains user data, the hard drive also affects the speed and performance of the whole system, thus improving the performance of the hard drive will help improve the speed and efficiency of the whole system.

Hard drive is a crucial part of your PC, not only contains user data , the hard drive also affects the speed and performance of the whole system , thus improving the performance of the hard drive will help improve the speed and efficiency of the whole system .
Grading the initial performance of the system :

Before you can use the free tool to optimize performance of the hard drive , handy in the recognition of the results , we use a software function scoring performance of hardware to compare results before and after optimization .

NovaBench is free software that allows grading system performance based on tests of processing speed of hardware devices such as CPU , memory , video card ...

NovaBench Download for free here .

To conduct testing and grading the performance of the system , click the Start Benchmark Test button on the main interface of the software .

Note: you should turn off the operating software to get the most accurate test results .

Wait , NovaBench will conduct tests on ability and processing speed of the computer to make the final result .

At the table includes results of cpu processing speed , speed read / write of your hard disk, RAM speed ... together with the evaluation of NovaBench point for them . However, here we just care about the total number of points that achieve system . The larger point , more computer speed and powerful performance .


The test results for a total gain of 749 points - speed read / write drive is 44MB / s

However, here, we are taking steps to optimize only interested in reading and writing speed of the hard drive .

Defragging the hard drive :

One of the main reasons the performance and speed of your computer is affected fragmented hard drive . There are plenty of free tools that allow the hard drive defragmentation effectively , prominent among which may be mentioned Ultimate Defrag .

Ultimate Defrag not only defragments implement a comprehensive hard disk , but also organize your files and data that you often use in locations easily accessible for quick access and easy ( in terms of physically stored on the hard drive ) .

Download the free software here .

After you install and activate the software, click the Analyze button to Ultimate Defrag will show the level of fragmentation for each partition . To defragment , select the partition you need to perform and click the Start button on the main interface .

After pressing the button , the software will start rearranging all the files on the hard drive and move them carefully to consecutive positions . After the defragmentation process is finished, you will see on the charts software provides a big red area ( fragmented files ) will be converted into green ( sorted files ) .

Software mode offers 6 different defragmentation , you can make the turn turn the mode to get the best results .

Now, your hard drive has achieved stable operation performance .

Ultimate Defrag addition , you can also use SmartDefrag ( http://softbuzz.net/Windows/System-Utilities/System-Maintenance/SmartDefrag_33.html ) with functions and powers not inferior .

Clear out clutter on your hard drive :

The junk files generated during the operation of software , web browser ... as hard drive space occupied and affect the speed of your computer activities .

Dan Tri 've introduced many different tools to clean junk files function on the hard drive , improves the speed of operation of the system as PowerWash or Kcleaner .

Use one of the tools to find and clean up the junk on your hard drive , just to help recovery of storage , has helped improve the processing speed of the whole system .

Check out the final results

After taking steps to optimize your drive, try using NovaBench for inspection and grading the performance of the system to see if there are any differences occurred .

If the total of NovaBench be higher than at the step before the optimal means procedure was successfully applied and can be applied back in the certain period of time , after the hard drive has begun fragmented head back and trash appear on Windows .

The total performance score reached 750 , and the speed of the read / write hard drive was 49 MB / s .

Note: Sometimes , the final point total will be slightly lower than the total initial point ( the point affected by the components in the inspection process ) , however , you're just interested in reading speed / write of your hard drive is full .

Also how optimal performance hard drive as instructed above, you can also use the tool packages optimized the whole system to improve performance and speed of Windows , one of which may include IObit Toolbox tools to package .

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