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Cuu du lieu mail outlook file pst o cung ssd corsair 120gb bad nang chap chon - 04/11/2017 Rescue Data, 120GB Corsair Hard Drive, Bad Heavy, Flicker. 090X 161 838. PIL Vietnam Joint Venture Company (PIL VIETNAM CO., LTD) - 5th- 6th Floor, 161-163 Ky Con Str., Dist.


04/11/2017 Rescue Data, 120GB Corsair Hard Drive, Bad Heavy, Flicker. 090X 161 838. PIL Vietnam Joint Venture Company (PIL VIETNAM CO., LTD) - 5th- 6th Floor, 161-163 Ky Con Str., Dist.

04/11/2017 Rescue Data, 120GB Corsair Hard Drive, Bad Heavy, Flicker. 090X 161 838. PIL Vietnam Joint Venture Company (PIL VIETNAM CO., LTD) - 5th- 6th Floor, 161-163 Ky Con Str., Dist.

The bad hard drive badly, flicker at detecting at no time, Miu Tú using Tools Map Image drive, full data loss of 69GB took off after 1h.