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Cuu du lieu o cung box samsung 1tb 2 5 co quay con detect loi dinh dang phan vung - 02/01/2018 Data Recovery, Samsung 1TB 2.5 "hard disk drive, rotary engine, and detect partition formatting errors Ha 091X 604 533. Ha need to fold data and request to wait immediately.


02/01/2018 Data Recovery, Samsung 1TB 2.5 "hard disk drive, rotary engine, and detect partition formatting errors Ha 091X 604 533. Ha need to fold data and request to wait immediately.

02/01/2018 Data Recovery, Samsung 1TB 2.5 "hard disk drive, rotary engine, and detect partition formatting errors Ha 091X 604 533. Ha need to fold data and request to wait immediately.

All data over 600GB took off after 2 hours, Ha checked through teamview and copied to the old hard drive.