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Cuu du lieu o cung hsgt sata laptop 500gb co con quay khong detectbad dau doc - 03/01/2018 Rescue Data, hard drive HSGT 500GB sata laptop, rotary engine, not detect, bad reader. Phong Phong 090X 750 379. Phong needs to take a lot of pictures, videos, personal documents stored for many years.


03/01/2018 Rescue Data, hard drive HSGT 500GB sata laptop, rotary engine, not detect, bad reader. Phong Phong 090X 750 379. Phong needs to take a lot of pictures, videos, personal documents stored for many years.

03/01/2018 Rescue Data, hard drive HSGT 500GB sata laptop, rotary engine, not detect, bad reader. Phong Phong 090X 750 379. Phong needs to take a lot of pictures, videos, personal documents stored for many years.

All data is gone after 1h, total capacity is not much, only 26GB, Mr. Phong brought new hard drive to copy and wait for the right.