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Cuu du lieu o cung samsung sata 500gb bad module bad sector nang - 05/01/2018 Data Recovery, Samsung 500GB sata hard drive, bad module, bad bad sectors. Anh Thanh 090X 118 992. Architectural Planning Co., Ltd. - 232/1 Bis Vo Thi Sau, Ward 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.


05/01/2018 Data Recovery, Samsung 500GB sata hard drive, bad module, bad bad sectors. Anh Thanh 090X 118 992. Architectural Planning Co., Ltd. - 232/1 Bis Vo Thi Sau, Ward 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.

05/01/2018 Data Recovery, Samsung 500GB sata hard drive, bad module, bad bad sectors. Anh Thanh 090X 118 992. Architectural Planning Co., Ltd. - 232/1 Bis Vo Thi Sau, Ward 7, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City.

Due to the bad hard drive, so the process will take a long time, all the data Mr. Thanh took after 3 days, including many records, architectural design drawings, he directly check and bring the drive Another hard copy, 311GB data.