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Sua o cung bad nang hitachi laptop 500gb - 09/01/2018 Fix hard drive bad Hitachi laptop 500GB, Tam Tam 090X 294 636. He needs to repair the hard drive to use again, and without the data inside, Tam has backup to another hard drive.


09/01/2018 Fix hard drive bad Hitachi laptop 500GB, Tam Tam 090X 294 636. He needs to repair the hard drive to use again, and without the data inside, Tam has backup to another hard drive.

09/01/2018 Fix hard drive bad Hitachi laptop 500GB, Tam Tam 090X 294 636. He needs to repair the hard drive to use again, and without the data inside, Tam has backup to another hard drive.

Hard drive bad, so the repair process takes about 6h, the hard drive after repair works well, Miu Tú repair has warranty so he's quiet.