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Cuu du lieu o cung box maxtor 1tb rot va dap ket co hu dau doc - 27/01/2018 Data Recovery, Maxtor 1TB Hard Drive, Shock, jam, damage reading head. Mr. Nguyen 090X 309 764. Em Nguyen need to get family image data archive for many years, copy multiple sources into the BOX hard drive.


27/01/2018 Data Recovery, Maxtor 1TB Hard Drive, Shock, jam, damage reading head. Mr. Nguyen 090X 309 764. Em Nguyen need to get family image data archive for many years, copy multiple sources into the BOX hard drive.

27/01/2018 Data Recovery, Maxtor 1TB Hard Drive, Shock, jam, damage reading head. Mr. Nguyen 090X 309 764. Em Nguyen need to get family image data archive for many years, copy multiple sources into the BOX hard drive.

The whole picture data Nguyen Nguyen took out after 1h, including a lot of family pictures, travel pictures abroad, all the test read well.