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Sua chua o cung o cung seagate 500gb khong detect loi firmware - 06/03/2018 Repair hard drive, Seagate 500GB hard drive, not detect, firmware error. Anh Thuan 016X 1465 365. Hai Duong Co., Ltd - 127 Le Thuc Hoach Street, Phu Tho Hoa, Tan Phu, Ho Chi Minh.


06/03/2018 Repair hard drive, Seagate 500GB hard drive, not detect, firmware error. Anh Thuan 016X 1465 365. Hai Duong Co., Ltd - 127 Le Thuc Hoach Street, Phu Tho Hoa, Tan Phu, Ho Chi Minh.

06/03/2018 Repair hard drive, Seagate 500GB hard drive, not detect, firmware error. Anh Thuan 016X 1465 365. Hai Duong Co., Ltd - 127 Le Thuc Hoach Street, Phu Tho Hoa, Tan Phu, Ho Chi Minh.

Mr. Thuan is IT technician, damaged hard drive Hai Duong Company, and thanks Manh Tung overcome. Hard drive Fix errors and identify after 15 minutes, then test the good condition and handover Mr. Thuan.