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Cuu du lieu o cung box seagate 2tb khong detect bad dau doc - Data Recovery, 2TB Seagate BOARD FAT, not detect, bad reader. Ms. Giang 090X 644 657. Ms. Giang needs to extract important data for the Japanese boss - Japan.


Data Recovery, 2TB Seagate BOARD FAT, not detect, bad reader. Ms. Giang 090X 644 657. Ms. Giang needs to extract important data for the Japanese boss - Japan.

Data Recovery, 2TB Seagate BOARD FAT, not detect, bad reader. Ms. Giang 090X 644 657. Ms. Giang needs to extract important data for the Japanese boss - Japan.

Miu Tú took all the data, Japanese documents, corporate image more than 550GB, Ms. Jiang led the boss to check and hard drive to copy.