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Cuu du lieu hinh anh thiet ke hai o cung seagate 160gb va 500gb hai o cung khong detect co khong quay - May 20, 2008 Rescue Image Design Data, Two 160GB and 500GB Seagate Drives, Two Non-Detect Drives, No Rotation Mechanism. A Tho 091X 499 667. Hard drive Tho took out all data in the day, Mr. Tho brought another hard drive through the inspection and copy to work.


May 20, 2008 Rescue Image Design Data, Two 160GB and 500GB Seagate Drives, Two Non-Detect Drives, No Rotation Mechanism. A Tho 091X 499 667. Hard drive Tho took out all data in the day, Mr. Tho brought another hard drive through the inspection and copy to work.

May 20, 2008 Rescue Image Design Data, Two 160GB and 500GB Seagate Drives, Two Non-Detect Drives, No Rotation Mechanism. A Tho 091X 499 667. Hard drive Tho took out all data in the day, Mr. Tho brought another hard drive through the inspection and copy to work.

Total Image Data 160GB, Photoshop Design File, .psd.