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Cuu du lieu o cung wd black 1tb xoa nham - 18/09/2018 Saving Data Text, Bidding Documents. WD Black 1TB Hard Drive, Remaining, Wrong Delete. East East 090X 707 011. Dong Dong Computer Communication Co., Ltd


18/09/2018 Saving Data Text, Bidding Documents. WD Black 1TB Hard Drive, Remaining, Wrong Delete. East East 090X 707 011. Dong Dong Computer Communication Co., Ltd

18/09/2018 Saving Data Text, Bidding Documents. WD Black 1TB Hard Drive, Remaining, Wrong Delete. East East 090X 707 011. Dong Dong Computer Communication Co., Ltd - 285 Block 115, Cach Mang Thang Tam, Ward 12, Dist. Ho Chi Minh City is Partner Manh Tu, need to get data for customers.

  The data is gone after 1h over 120GB. Client Teamview checks the data and buys a new hard drive for use.