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Cuu du lieu o cung wd 1t sata box cong ty tnhh do go mieu tho 18 18a duong dt743 binh phuoc binh chuan thuan an binh duong o cung bi rot hu dau doc va bi bad sector - On 07/01/2014 Hard Drive Data Recovery WD 1T SATA 3 Box - FURNITURE CO. Shrine - 18/18A DT743 Street Binh Phuoc, Binh Chuan, Thuan An, Binh Duong - the initial state hard drive unrecognized dropped


On 07/01/2014 Hard Drive Data Recovery WD 1T SATA 3 Box - FURNITURE CO. Shrine - 18/18A DT743 Street Binh Phuoc, Binh Chuan, Thuan An, Binh Duong - the initial state hard drive unrecognized dropped

On 07/01/2014 Hard Drive Data Recovery WD 1T SATA 3 Box - FURNITURE CO. Shrine - 18/18A DT743 Street Binh Phuoc, Binh Chuan, Thuan An, Binh Duong - the initial state hard drive unrecognized dropped

On 07/01/2014 Hard Drive Data Recovery WD 1T SATA 3 Box - FURNITURE CO. Shrine - 18/18A DT743 Street Binh Phuoc, Binh Chuan, Thuan An, Binh Duong - the initial state hard drive unrecognized dropped, after inspecting damaged hard drive reader and very severe bad sectors and Delay jitter at the receiver when not - Mencius intervention conducted by specialized equipment, Mencius with modern equipment, carry out repairs entire hard drive data recovery, recovery capacity. And complete handover.