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Sua o cung toshiba box 3 5 1t o cung bi rot ket co khong nhan dang - On 18/09/2014 Edit Box 3.5 1T hard drive Toshiba - Hard Drive Chi Minh Truc, the initial state hard drive crashed and no identification, mechanical hard drives and bad stuck reader


On 18/09/2014 Edit Box 3.5 1T hard drive Toshiba - Hard Drive Chi Minh Truc, the initial state hard drive crashed and no identification, mechanical hard drives and bad stuck reader

On 18/09/2014 Edit Box 3.5 1T hard drive Toshiba - Hard Drive Chi Minh Truc, the initial state hard drive crashed and no identification, mechanical hard drives and bad stuck reader
On 18/09/2014 Edit Box 3.5 1T hard drive Toshiba - Hard Drive Chi Minh Truc, the initial state hard drive crashed and no identification, mechanical hard drives and bad stuck reader - After intervention by room clean the reader to adjust the hard drive, hard drive, but bad identification, completely overcome technical and handed over to Ms. Truc Minh City.