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Sua o cung samsung 500gb sata o cung bi chay nhieu ic tren board mach o cung - Fix Samsung 3.5 500GB sata hard drive - A hard drive of the Act, the initial state drives many IC on board caught fire and no identification, after inspecting technique


Fix Samsung 3.5 500GB sata hard drive - A hard drive of the Act, the initial state drives many IC on board caught fire and no identification, after inspecting technique

Fix Samsung 3.5 500GB sata hard drive - A hard drive of the Act, the initial state drives many IC on board caught fire and no identification, after inspecting technique

Fix Samsung 3.5 500GB sata hard drive - A hard drive of the Act, the initial state drives many IC on board caught fire and no identification, after inspecting technique, multiple IC replacement and Fix Errors, drive hard work and handed back to him director.