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Cuu du lieu hdd samsung 160gb sata o cung loi firmware bad sector - On 04/06/2015 research data sata hard drive Samsung 160 - A South. Status does not recognize hard drive, hard drive fails Firmware, Module bad lot, the whole Word, excel accounting data is no longer, after receiving technical, firmware fix errors, the module drives, hard drives received form but many bad sectors


On 04/06/2015 research data sata hard drive Samsung 160 - A South. Status does not recognize hard drive, hard drive fails Firmware, Module bad lot, the whole Word, excel accounting data is no longer, after receiving technical, firmware fix errors, the module drives, hard drives received form but many bad sectors

On 04/06/2015 research data sata hard drive Samsung 160 - A South. Status does not recognize hard drive, hard drive fails Firmware, Module bad lot, the whole Word, excel accounting data is no longer, after receiving technical, firmware fix errors, the module drives, hard drives received form but many bad sectors
On 04/06/2015 research data sata hard drive Samsung 160 - A South. Status does not recognize hard drive, hard drive fails Firmware, Module bad lot, the whole Word, excel accounting data is no longer, after receiving technical, firmware fix errors, the module drives, hard drives received form but many bad sectors, Mencius with modern equipment, the entire map Image of hard drive, after 2 days, the entire data recovery, complete handover to his country.