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Cuu du lieu hdd box 1tb element loi module firmware truy xuat cham - On 05/06/2015 Data Rescue Box Hard Drive WD Elements hard drive him Duy. State hard drive firmware module error, this situation occurs most popular hard drive Western Box. After Fix Module, track drive, hard disk reader identification but very poor, very slow retrieve.


On 05/06/2015 Data Rescue Box Hard Drive WD Elements hard drive him Duy. State hard drive firmware module error, this situation occurs most popular hard drive Western Box. After Fix Module, track drive, hard disk reader identification but very poor, very slow retrieve.

On 05/06/2015 Data Rescue Box Hard Drive WD Elements hard drive him Duy. State hard drive firmware module error, this situation occurs most popular hard drive Western Box. After Fix Module, track drive, hard disk reader identification but very poor, very slow retrieve. After 2 weeks of performing a recovery, backup data is about 14GB, File 2D design, 3D Duy. Previous temporary handover to his previous Duy, hard drive continues to work, the situation is very slow.