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Cuu du lieu hdd o cung 160 seagate ata cong ty cp van tai bien hai au 108 nguyen cong tru nguyen thai binh quan1 - On 06/17/2015 Data Rescue 160GB Seagate Ata, Transport Joint Stock Company Seagull - 108 Nguyen Cong Tru, Nguyen Thai Binh, 1, Ho Chi Minh.


On 06/17/2015 Data Rescue 160GB Seagate Ata, Transport Joint Stock Company Seagull - 108 Nguyen Cong Tru, Nguyen Thai Binh, 1, Ho Chi Minh.

On 06/17/2015 Data Rescue 160GB Seagate Ata, Transport Joint Stock Company Seagull - 108 Nguyen Cong Tru, Nguyen Thai Binh, 1, Ho Chi Minh. Tuan hard drive is not recognized, faulty hard drive partition, formatted hard drive, this situation drives popular with electric shocks. conducted technical Fix, the entire data drive D included many corporate image and data Misa accounting software is restored, all the files are checked and read well.