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Cuu du lieu o cung wd7500aarx 00n0yb0 wcc0t0614050 green 3 5 750gb bad nang chap chon khong detect anh son 0989 070 699 - 05/11/2016 Hard Drive Data Rescue WD7500AARX - 00N0YB0 - Bad 750GB weighs 3.5 WCC0T0614050 Green, flickering not detect, he paints 0989 070 699


05/11/2016 Hard Drive Data Rescue WD7500AARX - 00N0YB0 - Bad 750GB weighs 3.5 WCC0T0614050 Green, flickering not detect, he paints 0989 070 699

05/11/2016 Hard Drive Data Rescue WD7500AARX - 00N0YB0 - Bad 750GB weighs 3.5 WCC0T0614050 Green, flickering not detect, he paints 0989 070 699

Complete data recovery 300GB entirely, including many images Design Architecture, Thesis, architectural blueprints ... recovery for handover to his Son.

With any drive, disc wheels have not scratched, the ability to retrieve data success rate is very high.