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Cuu du lieu o cung seagate 250gb sata st3250318as chet board chay ic loi firmware bad sector anh bi 09xx 004 213 sau 1h khac phuc thay ic tren board - 01/08/2016 Data Recovery Seagate 250GB Sata hard drive - ST3250318AS - die board, IC fire Firmware errors, bad sectors


01/08/2016 Data Recovery Seagate 250GB Sata hard drive - ST3250318AS - die board, IC fire Firmware errors, bad sectors

01/08/2016 Data Recovery Seagate 250GB Sata hard drive - ST3250318AS - die board, IC fire Firmware errors, bad sectors. He BI - 09XX 004 213, after 1 hour rather fix IC on board, use Tools Salvation HDD Doctor Fix Errors In Module Sys files, hard disk drive to identify and recover the data completely 48GB, all good reading test. Complete Bi handed over to him.

With any drive, disc wheels have not scratched, the ability to retrieve data success rate is very high.

anh bi 2335

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