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Cuu du lieu o cung seagate 250gb 3 5 st250dm000 cham chay board chu le 01xx 1235 659 bao loc lam dong - 01/10/2016 Data Recovery Seagate 250Gb 3.5 - Touch ST250DM000 fire board - 659 Note 1235 Storm 01xx Mass Loc - Lam Dong


01/10/2016 Data Recovery Seagate 250Gb 3.5 - Touch ST250DM000 fire board - 659 Note 1235 Storm 01xx Mass Loc - Lam Dong

01/10/2016 Data Recovery Seagate 250Gb 3.5 - Touch ST250DM000 fire board - 659 Note 1235 Storm 01xx Mass Loc - Lam Dong
Hard drive Note Ceremony Thanh Buoi sent down garage, after receiving test fire touched circuit board hard drive, 15 minute repair, hard drive recognition, return the original data intact on the hard disk.

With any drive, disc wheels have not scratched, the ability to retrieve data success rate is very high.


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