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Sua o cung box seagate 320gb ket co lam rot - 12/17/2016 Repair BOX 320GB Seagate hard drive - Hard drive 462 466 09XX hero, dropped, jammed motor, but the motor turned negative headline headline calling him irregularly.


12/17/2016 Repair BOX 320GB Seagate hard drive - Hard drive 462 466 09XX hero, dropped, jammed motor, but the motor turned negative headline headline calling him irregularly.

12/17/2016 Repair BOX 320GB Seagate hard drive - Hard drive 462 466 09XX hero, dropped, jammed motor, but the motor turned negative headline headline calling him irregularly. With this condition technical inspection must mount the hard drive in the clean room, to adjust the body's original location on the hard drive. Hard drive him Hung finished well after 30 minutes to read and adjust the Fix.