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Cuu du lieu o cung hitachi macbookpro o cung loi dinh dang bad sector - 10/02/2017 Data Rescue Hitachi 320GB hard drive MacBook Pro, the hard drive partition formatted error, and bad sectors, British customs - customs 098X 342 677. A hard drive removed from the computer and plugged into the PC Macbook, then no data found


10/02/2017 Data Rescue Hitachi 320GB hard drive MacBook Pro, the hard drive partition formatted error, and bad sectors, British customs - customs 098X 342 677. A hard drive removed from the computer and plugged into the PC Macbook, then no data found

10/02/2017 Data Rescue Hitachi 320GB hard drive MacBook Pro, the hard drive partition formatted error, and bad sectors, British customs - customs 098X 342 677. A hard drive removed from the computer and plugged into the PC Macbook, then no data found

Mr. Hai powered hard drive spindle motor, and identity, but there are some bad sectors, Customs Data Recovery him enough after 3pm.