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Cuu du lieu server o cung hdd dell seagate 250gb 80gb hu co chet dau doc loi firmware chet board - 02/16/2017 Data Rescue two 250GB Seagate hard drive DELL Server, and run Seagate 80GB Sata Raid 1 Data Mysql data Misa Accounting Software, Seagate 250GB Damaged engine, engine type, die reader, Seagate 80GB Firmware fault, die circuit board


02/16/2017 Data Rescue two 250GB Seagate hard drive DELL Server, and run Seagate 80GB Sata Raid 1 Data Mysql data Misa Accounting Software, Seagate 250GB Damaged engine, engine type, die reader, Seagate 80GB Firmware fault, die circuit board

02/16/2017 Data Rescue two 250GB Seagate hard drive DELL Server, and run Seagate 80GB Sata Raid 1 Data Mysql data Misa Accounting Software, Seagate 250GB Damaged engine, engine type, die reader, Seagate 80GB Firmware fault, die circuit board, A Tri - 090X 787 770. SERVICES PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED D & P Real Estate -Number 16-18 Hai Ba Trung Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, HCMC.

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Two hard drives generate enough data, process only about 2 hours. He carries hard drive to copy Tri and mental use.