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Cuu du lieu sua chua o cung seagate 160gb box external seagate 500gb chet mainbaord loi firmware bad sector - 03/06/2017 Data Rescue Seagate 160GB hard drive, and repair Seagate External Hard Drive 500Gb box, save data Seagate dead motherboard and firmware bug, seagate hard drive repair bad Box Heavy, A Minh- 012X 125 7468.


03/06/2017 Data Rescue Seagate 160GB hard drive, and repair Seagate External Hard Drive 500Gb box, save data Seagate dead motherboard and firmware bug, seagate hard drive repair bad Box Heavy, A Minh- 012X 125 7468.

03/06/2017 Data Rescue Seagate 160GB hard drive, and repair Seagate External Hard Drive 500Gb box, save data Seagate dead motherboard and firmware bug, seagate hard drive repair bad Box Heavy, A Minh- 012X 125 7468.

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