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Cuu du lieu o cung western blue 3 5 250gb wd2500aakx bad sector nang khong detect o cung va khong thay du lieu - 26/03/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive Western Blue 3.5


26/03/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive Western Blue 3.5

26/03/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive Western Blue 3.5 "250GB - WD2500AAKX bad sector heavy, not detect hard drive and do not see the data Anh Luyện - 090X 908 868. banker viet nam viet nam - Floor 2, 76 CMT8, Ward 6, District 3, HCMC.

Mr. Luyen needs to extract accounting data of many companies for his brother training in Ba Ria - Vung Tau. Hard drive training bad bad, Miu Tung Tools SRP map Image for the partition containing data takes about 1h. All the accounting data of the 4 companies recovered about 300MB, Mr. Luyen asked to send urgent mail via the tax settlement report.