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Cuu du lieu o cung box seagate backup plus 1tb loi firmware bad module bad head - 01/04/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Box Seagate Backup Plus 1TB, Error Firmware, Bad Module, Bad head, Anh Tuyen - 090X 066 605. Travel guide, Vietnam Travel Media Joint Stock Company - 175 Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh.


01/04/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Box Seagate Backup Plus 1TB, Error Firmware, Bad Module, Bad head, Anh Tuyen - 090X 066 605. Travel guide, Vietnam Travel Media Joint Stock Company - 175 Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh.

01/04/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Box Seagate Backup Plus 1TB, Error Firmware, Bad Module, Bad head, Anh Tuyen - 090X 066 605. Travel guide, Vietnam Travel Media Joint Stock Company - 175 Nguyen Thai Binh, District 1, Ho Chi Minh.

Mr. Tuyen need to fold data work, Mr. Tuyen's hard drive shows signs of using multiple access software, bad hard drive bad and firmware error can not identify. Miu Tú bung box hard drive, fix module errors, firmware, then Map Image, Samsung hard drive takes a long time, the whole process of fix and map image takes more than a day, all data he fully recovered 630GB Includes a lot of Design pictures, design for customers, and a lot of travel documents and pictures. He brought a new WD Box hard drive to use.