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Cuu du lieu o cung seagate 500gb detect chap chon bad rat nang - 07/04/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive Seagate 500GB, Detect Flicker, Bad Very Heavy, Anh Phi - 098X 233 925. Hoang My Studio - 178 Ba Thang Hai Street, Can Tho. Image data wedding photography studio client.


07/04/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive Seagate 500GB, Detect Flicker, Bad Very Heavy, Anh Phi - 098X 233 925. Hoang My Studio - 178 Ba Thang Hai Street, Can Tho. Image data wedding photography studio client.

07/04/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive Seagate 500GB, Detect Flicker, Bad Very Heavy, Anh Phi - 098X 233 925. Hoang My Studio - 178 Ba Thang Hai Street, Can Tho. Image data wedding photography studio client.

Mr. Phi from need to recover photos of customers wedding photography studio, Phi asked urgently for the Hung King's death anniversary, Manh priority priority in the day, using the tools HDD doctor fix terminal Command, hard drive identification but bad should be used Tools SRP Map Image, the entire data recovery 206GB after 3 hours, he brought a new hard drive to copy to work immediately.