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Cuu du lieu o cung box western 500gb loi firmware bad module - 15/04/2017 Rescue Box Western 500Gb hard drive, Firmware Error, Bad Module, Englishman - 0123X 566 650. Wedding Styles & Event - 27B / 20, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh.


15/04/2017 Rescue Box Western 500Gb hard drive, Firmware Error, Bad Module, Englishman - 0123X 566 650. Wedding Styles & Event - 27B / 20, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh.

15/04/2017 Rescue Box Western 500Gb hard drive, Firmware Error, Bad Module, Englishman - 0123X 566 650. Wedding Styles & Event - 27B / 20, Da Kao Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh.

The hard drive spins the power source, does not see the partition, requires formatting, and does not see the data structure, Miu Tuj uses Firmware URE Fix for Firmware Errors, Mod Fixes, Hard Drive then Identifies, but Must Map Full Drive It takes about 3 hours, all 160GB hard drive data is nearly full hard drive to recover enough missing files.