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Phuc hoi du lieu o cung seagate 250gb baracuda 7200 10 loi firmware bad sector nang - 20/04/2017 Seagate Hard Drive Data Recovery 250Gb Baracuda 7200.10, Firmware Error, Heavy Bad Sector, UK Bright - 013X 5675 856. UK Brightening of image data processing needs to be delivered to customers.


20/04/2017 Seagate Hard Drive Data Recovery 250Gb Baracuda 7200.10, Firmware Error, Heavy Bad Sector, UK Bright - 013X 5675 856. UK Brightening of image data processing needs to be delivered to customers.

20/04/2017 Seagate Hard Drive Data Recovery 250Gb Baracuda 7200.10, Firmware Error, Heavy Bad Sector, UK Bright - 013X 5675 856. UK Brightening of image data processing needs to be delivered to customers.

Miu Tú conducted immediately, using Tools HDD Doctor Error, Sefttest, hard drive then bad but bad, must use the DataCompass Map Image Tools with the Select Head function. After 4h all the data he got to 84Gb, good read no error file.