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Cuu du lieu o cung seagate 1tb baracuda loi firmware bad sector nang - 21/04/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Seagate 1TB Baracuda, Firmware error, bad bad sector, Ms Thao - 093X 834 687. TKI VIET ANH ONE MEMBER LIMITED COMPANY - 76 Ly Thai To, Ward 2, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Minh.


21/04/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Seagate 1TB Baracuda, Firmware error, bad bad sector, Ms Thao - 093X 834 687. TKI VIET ANH ONE MEMBER LIMITED COMPANY - 76 Ly Thai To, Ward 2, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Minh.

21/04/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Seagate 1TB Baracuda, Firmware error, bad bad sector, Ms Thao - 093X 834 687. TKI VIET ANH ONE MEMBER LIMITED COMPANY - 76 Ly Thai To, Ward 2, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Minh.

The Thao hard drive directly brings in the need for data folding and the need to speed up the day, Mitu tools PC 3000 Express fix the firmware error, only a few operations Ready hard drive and found the partitio structure, but also bad sectors, after Mitu map image and extract all 410Gb data in about 6 hours. The whole data of Ms. Thao checked the full validation and good read.

