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Cuu du lieu o cung ssd corsair 60gb format nham loi dinh dang phan vung - 22/04/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive CORSAIR SSD 60GB, Wrong Format, Partition Format Error, Anh Khanh, Doctor - 092X 226 882. Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Training - No. 1, Sun That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi.


22/04/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive CORSAIR SSD 60GB, Wrong Format, Partition Format Error, Anh Khanh, Doctor - 092X 226 882. Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Training - No. 1, Sun That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi.

22/04/2017 Rescue Data Hard Drive CORSAIR SSD 60GB, Wrong Format, Partition Format Error, Anh Khanh, Doctor - 092X 226 882. Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Training - No. 1, Sun That Tung, Dong Da, Hanoi.

Anh Khanh is a doctor, and is working in Ho Chi Minh City. A khanh has the wrong format, hard drive data loss and do not see the partition. Meng Tú proceeded to retrieve all the 32GB data for Mr. Khanh after 3 hours.