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Cuu du lieu o cung western 3tb box logitec 3 5 external hu dau doc loi firmware loi rom - 10/05/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Western 3TB Box Logitec 3.5 'External, Reader Head, Firmware Error, ROM Error, Anh Dung - 098X 729 240. A Dung needs to get a photo of personal material, event photos. , And many pictures of family travel abroad.


10/05/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Western 3TB Box Logitec 3.5 'External, Reader Head, Firmware Error, ROM Error, Anh Dung - 098X 729 240. A Dung needs to get a photo of personal material, event photos. , And many pictures of family travel abroad.

10/05/2017 Rescue Hard Drive Data Western 3TB Box Logitec 3.5 'External, Reader Head, Firmware Error, ROM Error, Anh Dung - 098X 729 240. A Dung needs to get a photo of personal material, event photos. , And many pictures of family travel abroad.

Mr. Dung's hard drive to knock, and stop completely after 30 seconds, the hard drive read head, have to intervene clean room to replace the reader. After replacing the reader, the hard drive is not recognized, using the SRP Self Test Tools, ROM drive and Firmware, must find the correct FW source of the hard drive to FIX, have to load Safe Mode several times then FIX and ROM fix, and fimware. After about 3 hours of reading and Fix error, hard drive identification, all data Mr. Dung get enough 360GB, all the images need to be enough, Mr. Dung carry box 1TB trancend to copy to use.