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Sua o cung seagate 250gb 500gb1tb5 2tb seagate - 07/06/2016 Seagate 250Gb Hard Drive, 500GB, 1TB5, 2TB Seagate 3.5, many different failures - Anh Cuong, A Nghia - Tan Thinh Computer Components - 140/11 LY THUONG KIET STREET, F. 7, District 10, HCMC.


07/06/2016 Seagate 250Gb Hard Drive, 500GB, 1TB5, 2TB Seagate 3.5, many different failures - Anh Cuong, A Nghia - Tan Thinh Computer Components - 140/11 LY THUONG KIET STREET, F. 7, District 10, HCMC.

07/06/2016 Seagate 250Gb Hard Drive, 500GB, 1TB5, 2TB Seagate 3.5, many different failures - Anh Cuong, A Nghia - Tan Thinh Computer Components - 140/11 LY THUONG KIET STREET, F. 7, District 10, HCMC.

Repair hard drive to pay for the warranty of the company with many different status, Tan has sent through a total of 230 Seagate hard drive 250Gb, 500GB, 1TB5, 2TB ... Powerful technology. Has successfully repaired and handed over to him.