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Cuu du lieu file van ban o cung samsung 320gb hu board loi firmware - 18/09/2017 Rescue Text file data, Samsung 320GB hard drive, corrupted board, Firmware error. A Huy - 098X 063 913 - Mr. Huy should get data for the sisters, churches, An Giang province.


18/09/2017 Rescue Text file data, Samsung 320GB hard drive, corrupted board, Firmware error. A Huy - 098X 063 913 - Mr. Huy should get data for the sisters, churches, An Giang province.

18/09/2017 Rescue Text file data, Samsung 320GB hard drive, corrupted board, Firmware error. A Huy - 098X 063 913 - Mr. Huy should get data for the sisters, churches, An Giang province.

Mr. Huy sent two hard drives, WD Blue 160Gb and samsung 320Gb Desktop 3.5. Both typewritten and unrecognized drives need to prioritize the Samsung 320Gb drive for the nuns. Miu Xiu replaced IC, fix the firmware, regain all 83Gb data after 1h. Mr. Huy brought a 250Gb seagate hard drive copy.