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Phuc hoi du lieu ke toan cong no o cung samsung 640gb loi firmware bad dau doc - 06/10/2017 Data Recovery Accounting, Debt, Hard Drive Samsung 640GB, Firmware Error, bad reader. Ms. Le - 09X9 878 288. Ms. Le needs to file debt data, text files, Ms. Le carry some data rescue unit but not public.


06/10/2017 Data Recovery Accounting, Debt, Hard Drive Samsung 640GB, Firmware Error, bad reader. Ms. Le - 09X9 878 288. Ms. Le needs to file debt data, text files, Ms. Le carry some data rescue unit but not public.

06/10/2017 Data Recovery Accounting, Debt, Hard Drive Samsung 640GB, Firmware Error, bad reader. Ms. Le - 09X9 878 288. Ms. Le needs to file debt data, text files, Ms. Le carry some data rescue unit but not public.

All of the 65GB of accounting data is available after 6 hours. Ms. Le checked the file read well and brought new hard drive copy.