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Phuc hoi du lieu o cung blue 500gb wd5000aakx ghost nham gom thanh mot o - 16/10/2017 Data Recovery, Blue 500GB Hard Drive - WD5000AAKX, Ghost Wrong, Forming a Drive Em Duy - 016X 995 7417. E We need data folding work, folding right on Sunday.


16/10/2017 Data Recovery, Blue 500GB Hard Drive - WD5000AAKX, Ghost Wrong, Forming a Drive Em Duy - 016X 995 7417. E We need data folding work, folding right on Sunday.

16/10/2017 Data Recovery, Blue 500GB Hard Drive - WD5000AAKX, Ghost Wrong, Forming a Drive Em Duy - 016X 995 7417. E We need data folding work, folding right on Sunday.

All of Duy's data was taken after 4pm, including a lot of working documents, personal images, whole over 80GB of good read and no missing files.