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Nhiet do laptop qua nong - Temperature laptop overheating. | CứuDữLiệu.com


Temperature laptop overheating.

In the past few years the growth in quantity laptop is amazing.

The rapid increase in performance is supported by the chip integration of more transistors than ever. Along with it, the number of processors have been multiplied, the hardware is decreasing the thickness and better graphics for larger screens with high resolution hon.Tuy course, these developments led to a problem:

Temperature laptop overheating. - Vietnamlaptop.vn

Nhiệt độ laptop quá nóng. - vietnamlaptop.vn

The biggest threat to your laptop, cup of coffee unless you unintentionally, is too hot. It can cause hardware failure and permanent damage. In this article I will show you how you can prevent or fix a laptop overheating and thus improve performance and extend the life of your laptop.
How do you know your laptop is overheating?
A sure sign that your laptop is overheating when the fan is always running at maximum speed. You can also feel the performance of its work to cut down the CPU clock to rid itself of heat stress.

Furthermore, when you feel unsafe in itself can trigger a sudden shutdown software to avoid damage to hardware.
Too hot, what's the cause?
In two words: not enough cooling.
Other reasons include the amount of dust, exhaust port blocking heat, or thermal degradation of fat (also called thermal compound) between the heatsink and CPU.
How you can prevent or fix a laptop overheating? There are some hardware fixes can be cured of this overheating.

A. To cool.
The first and most important thing you need to do when your laptop is too hot, is cleaning the cooling fan power supply for the CPU and graphics card. Over time they make up the dust and dirt so slow and block the flow of air. Join the user manual accompanying laptop computer or a manufacturer to find out how you can open the laptop to scan and clean these parts.

Truockhi you try to clean anything, however, follow these steps:
* Shutdown.
* Remove the battery.
* Ground to dissipate static electricity.
Carefully clean the fan with a cotton swab dipped in a drop of wine or alcohol. Make sure the wine has completely evaporated before you insert the battery back to laptop. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust and dirt which over time it should hold the rotor. To avoid damage to the fan, do not let it rotate in the opposite direction. If you want to use compressed air to clean the fan, it's extremely important to hold on to it did not give it back.
Next, you can clean the exhaust port by sucking the air out with a vacuum cleaner. The air exhaust port is usually located on the side of the laptop. That is where the hot air blows out.
The small gaps allow air to be sucked inside the computer when the fan rotates. They can stay on the side or at the bottom of the camera body. To remove grease stains like that you can use a little heat.
Finally, you can apply some thermal grease on where the contact between the CPU and its heatsink. Again, consult the user manual of the laptop or the manufacturer to get instructions on how to disassemble these components.

Two. Always keep your laptop on a hard and flat.
Most laptop cooling by sucking air in through his bottom. If the laptop is placed on a flat surface like a pillow, blanket, or your heart, the flow of air into the laptop is not deu.Vi world, the cooling is not reached optimal level, increasing temperature, the surface becomes hot, the temperature of the air flow sucked into the rose, and finally the machine to overheat.
This scenario can easily be avoided by keeping the notebook always on a flat hard surface.

3. Invest a set of external heat.
Cooling laptop is meant to provide additional cooling. However, the wrong coolant can actually make the problem worse. Before you buy a cooling system, you need to understand the flow of air into and out of your laptop.

As mentioned above, most laptops draw air in to cool from the bottom. This is significant because the warm air rising. However, a heat sink that is mounted below the laptop and suck air out of it, not only do not contribute to cooling laptop but also make your face warmer.
If your laptop inlet at the bottom of it, buy a cooling system that blows cool air upwards, ie into the camera body.

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