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Remote monitoring employee computer screen

Problems of personnel management as a sensitive element needs to see the operation of the computer, or the nature of the job. Tracking solutions, remote monitoring computer screen will solve the problem.

YOUR HOME IS ONE NOW: Your computer equipped for employees, due to a number of factors affect the quality of work: Some employees still take advantage of online gaming or chatting, even access banned sites, etc, you want to monitor to know your employees can focus on the work assigned or not. refer to the solution is a bit "sensitive" to our: remote monitoring COMPUTER SCREEN STAFF

YOU ARE OF A LIBRARY MANAGEMENT: a need to manage the computers in the library to see the computer students, or students use the computer to look up documentation?. The solution will ensure the ability to manage the computers in the library are not used for other purposes, and provide a warning message to that computer.

YOU ARE THE PARENT STUDENT: want my computer suddenly see what you're doing, the solution will provide the most valuable information for parents to use computer control to their children.

Installation program will make sure the user can not tell if it is running. People sitting at the server can observe all the action on the screen of staff, the program also supports a number of features: Send a message to the screen, application off, shutdown, reboot , recording the work of the staff ....



- Support supervision 9 site - each site 1000 PC (ie monitoring is about 9,000 computers at the same time)
- Flexible interface can zoom in monitor window. Or look through the machine being monitored
- Support access password (increased security)
- Record screen recording schedule or upon request (File AVI look good on your computer)
- Enable control (can take control of your mouse on the child)
- Shut down, restart, stand by ... workstations
- Lock the computer, log off users
- Access and shutdown process on the (process corresponds to the program is running)
- Send a message to the machine
- Open the web or on the document.
- And many other features

giam sat mang

Servers and workstations use the Windows operating system
- The computer network and are in the same local network
- Must know the account and password of the client. (Just in the first time installation, process monitoring is not necessary anymore ...)
- Minimum transmission network 100 Mbps
- File record relatively good quality, so if you want to schedule the recording to a hard drive capacity is relatively high


- 1,000,000 VND / Server
- 50,000 VND / Air
- Free 3 month guarantee.

- Install remote viewing via internet + 500,000 VND


giam sat man hinh 

Contact us for a free consultation today! - Hotline: (08) 39350079

Sincerely thank you for your interest in our services!

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