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Hd doctor for wd - HDD Doctor for WD | CứuDữLiệu.com

Tools Recovery data

HDD Doctor for WD
HD Doctor for WD Giá: 15,000,000 VND HDD Repair Tools-HD DOCTOR for WD


It is one of the best hardware-software complex HDD data recovery tools that fixes Firmware Malfunctions/Drive Restoration issues for drives of Western Digital manufacturer and can support nearly all the WD hard drive series in the market.

HDD Repair Tools-HD DOCTOR for WD:

Program Index: config the target drive and to enter the matching module of the program; also there are some useful functions and information. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

Backup FW:
Here you can read modules and tracks from the target HDD and save them in the defined folder for future use; use this function to make firmware backup from a donor by yourself. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

Upload FW:
Here you can replace the damaged modules and tracks of the target HDD by the good ones that are read from a donor and saved in a defined folder. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

FW Defect Scan: here you can fix a drive with corrupted firmware modules without damaging the data on the drive, and this will likely be the most favorable part for most of our customers. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

SA Defect Scan: here you can scan the whole Service Area containing the firmware for both logical/physical bad sectors, and the Module Deflection function built can repair drives with logical/physical bad sectors in the SA. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

Sector Defect Scan: here you can fix HDD bad sectors without reducing any capacity; also it enables you a total operation towards the reserved defect list (G-List/P-List/T-List). (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

Section Operations: here you can fix those drives with sequential serious bad sectors, which cannot be fixed by Sector Defect Scan by reducing part of the HDD capacity. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

SELFSCAN: here you can repair a defective drive by using factory reserved flow; we have provided two flows here, so even you failed in one flow, you will still have an optional flow. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

ROM and HEAD Operations: here you get access (read and write) to the HDD PCB BIOS; and the Depop HEAD function allows you to disable the physically damaged HEAD of the target drive. The new upgrade for ROYL drives; it can allow you to regenerate the corrupted ROM information. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

Other Operations: some useful function for WD repair and data recovery, such as Remove HDD Password, Reset HDD S.M.A.R.T, change HDD Model No. and Serial No., also the Motor Operations needed for Hot Swap PCB. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

Flash Programmer: with the Flash Programmer hardware and software, you can re-write the PCB flash chip with a defined microcode; this is useful when you need to change/recover the PCB BIOS. (Details of the HDD repair tools refer to the User Manual).

The aforementioned functions are the brief parts of HD Doctor for WD. The detailed functions can be available for you only when you get our HDD repair tools.

Connection of HDD repair tools - HD Doctor for WD

Simply connect the HD DOCTOR to any kind of computer owning a USB socket (supports USB 1.1 and above protocols) and one of the following Microsoft OS: Windows 98/Windows 2000/Windows XP/Windows 2003, and then you can start working. Full English interface.

Connection of IDE HDD:

Connection of SATA HDD:

HD Doctor for WD is so far widely used in Egyptian market, from business to home use and to personal use; HD Doctor for WD plays one important role in data recovery market.


(Bài viết này của Cty cứu dữ liệu DR Care Recovery Việt Nam. Mọi sự sao chép phải được ghi rõ nguồn)

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