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Raid 1 how to properly use - RAID 1 how to properly use? | CứuDữLiệu.com

Hard Drive Server Technology

RAID 1 how to properly use?
RAID 1 how to properly use?

RAID 1 how to properly use ?

Welcome, both ,

RAID issue , then who knows .

But how properly to use RAID ?

How safe use RAID ?

Troubleshooting of RAID ?

You will get more details in each of RAID serial article review from LifeCom .

First details on RAID 1

Still to be reintroduced at all : What is RAID ? RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks . Initially , RAID is used as a protective solution because it allows you to burn data onto multiple hard disks simultaneously . Later , there were many variations RAID allows not only ensure data security , but longer help significantly increase the speed of data access from disk .

How active RAID 1 : This is the most basic form of RAID capabilities ensure data safety . Like RAID 0 , RAID 1 go ask at least two hard disks to work . Data is written to two identical disk ( Mirroring ) . In the case of a malfunctioning drive , the hard drive will continue to operate normally. You can replace the broken drive without worrying about missing information problem . For RAID 1 , performance is not the leading factor g should not be surprised if it is not the number one choice for speed enthusiasts . However for network administrators , or those who have to manage multiple credentials th RAID 1 system is indispensable . Ultimate capacity of the RAID 1 system with single disk size ( two 80GB drives running RAID 1 system will only see a short run RAID disk 80GB )

So you have to understand about RAID 1 , RAID 1 , but the safety of doing so ? Normally when using RAID 1 , usually habitual users are only using 2 HDD for RAID 1 , finished alone , feeling so safe .. however when incidents occur HDD ? Doing what? Running rush to find one HDD attached to the uniform replaced the HDD die jinx it go . What happens :

- Finding the serial HDD after 1-2-3 months or 6 months , 1 year used is 1 problem , 2 HDD is not the same type of system is not optimal , RAID can not be even . VD SG HDD serial serial 10 vs 11 ..
- If you are lucky to find the correct serial HDD right in line with the type 1 job , next job at the right HDD replacement die , RAID rebuilds the past .. good luck . However, many users do not know how to console rebuild .. tune in panic .. lose RAID , hic lose data .

Is there a safe way to use RAID 1 is quite simple : it is HOT SPARE . When you use the word use RAID 1 or more 3HDD , 2 HDD RAID 1 with each other , and the remaining 1 HDD HOT SPARE mode setting . When setting this mode , 1 for 2 HDD malfunction die immediately 1HDD HOT SPARE status will automatically join HDD array can give some other bad , and the system automatically rebuilds the raid for you .

This moment pretty cheap HDD to be used so comfortable . In this review you're using 4 Seagate 160GB HDD , Main X7DVL - E of SuperMicro .. 2 HDD RAID 1 , 2 HDD remaining hot spare status . When the system is operating in RAID 1 , I draw .. SATA cables die HDD emulator port status 0 .

Wish you enhance your pillow , quiet night's sleep with Hot spare .

Rebuild time depends on the size of HDD , HDD category .. I will review next 1 series on RAID1 , 5 , 10 with hotspare ..

And how to fix rebuild fastest time .

Wish you find a good solution , good both 1 good day .

By : LifeCom Review Teams , Kythuatvien

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