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Sua o cung o cung western blue 1tb loi firmware bad sector - 21/03/2018 Hard drive repair, Western Blue 1TB hard drive, firmware error, bad sector. Anh Khoi 090X 135 532 Binh Duong customers need a hard drive to use and do not need data.


21/03/2018 Hard drive repair, Western Blue 1TB hard drive, firmware error, bad sector. Anh Khoi 090X 135 532 Binh Duong customers need a hard drive to use and do not need data.

21/03/2018 Hard drive repair, Western Blue 1TB hard drive, firmware error, bad sector. Anh Khoi 090X 135 532 Binh Duong customers need a hard drive to use and do not need data.

After 6h Fix the firmware, and fix bad sector, hard drive good, warranty 1 month, handed Khoi.