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Cuu du lieu box trancend 4tb hinh anh thiet ke o cung bad dau doc - 17/09/2018 Saving Data Design photos. Box Hard Drive Trancend 4TB, No Identification, Bad Reader. Mr. Kha 098X 691 942. Kha need to get pictures, videos, designs for many companies, store nearly two hard drives.


17/09/2018 Saving Data Design photos. Box Hard Drive Trancend 4TB, No Identification, Bad Reader. Mr. Kha 098X 691 942. Kha need to get pictures, videos, designs for many companies, store nearly two hard drives.

17/09/2018 Saving Data Design photos. Box Hard Drive Trancend 4TB, No Identification, Bad Reader. Mr. Kha 098X 691 942. Kha need to get pictures, videos, designs for many companies, store nearly two hard drives.

Kha data is very large, bad hard drive so the data retrieval process takes a lot of time. All data is taken after 3 weeks, data capacity is near 5TB.