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Khoi phuc du lieu o cung toshiba 320gb laptop chay ic loi firmware bad sector - On 01/07/2015 Data Rescue Hard Drive 320Gb Toshiba laptop, Lan hard drive, hard drive status gives no recognition, hard drive running multiple ICs on the circuit board, engineering conducted replacement, hard drive running but firmware


On 01/07/2015 Data Rescue Hard Drive 320Gb Toshiba laptop, Lan hard drive, hard drive status gives no recognition, hard drive running multiple ICs on the circuit board, engineering conducted replacement, hard drive running but firmware

On 01/07/2015 Data Rescue Hard Drive 320Gb Toshiba laptop, Lan hard drive, hard drive status gives no recognition, hard drive running multiple ICs on the circuit board, engineering conducted replacement, hard drive running but firmware error with firmware up dedicated devices for hard drives Toshiba, after 1h drive but bad much recognition, image map technique to conduct the entire hard drive, eventually export the entire hard drive was mostly image file travelers family calendar and Video over 200GB are good read.